Shangra-La Bliss Center

Shangra-la Bliss Center
Enjoy a "half-hour vacation" brought to you by the Shangra-La Bliss Center. Shangra-La's practitioners of Holistic Healthcare are members of The American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the Healing Touch Professional Association.

Scott Hartley
Specializes in Quantum Medicine. He is graduate of Quantum University with a Masters of Science in Holistic Healthcare. He is currently completing his doctorate in Natural Medicine.

"A change in conciousness creates a change in biology"
— Deepak Chopra

Sharel Lee Bodine
Studied in Chiang Mai, Thailand at I.T.M. She holds certifications in: Reflexology, Reiki, Thai Massage, and Chakra Energy Massage with essential oils. She also teaches classes in Infant Massage and Artistic Expression.
We can help you go from
“Stressed” to “Blessed”